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Resource Page

Below are a list of links that can be helpful to anyone facing cancer:

The loss of your hair due to cancer treatment can be very upsetting.  Here are some links for head coverings and wigs that can help.

Below are some links for books that I highly recommend.  I have read both of these books and they have been very helpful in my recovery from cancer and living a happy life.   I read “When Bad Things happen to Good People” soon after my cancer diagnosis.   My cancer support group brought a copy with them when they visited me in my hospital room. 

• When Bad Things Happen To Good People

The Biology of Belief – Bruce Lipton

I love to read and during treatment or recovery it can be difficult to read paper books or find new books in a timely manner.  I have had a kindle for many years and read lots of books using it.  Also, I subscribe to both Kindle Unlimited and Audible.  Below are links to the latest kindle and the two services mentioned above. 

Kindle Unlimited – first month free

Audible – Get two free books


Please note: The links above are affiliate links. However, I was not approved because I did not have enough sales in the first six months. I still include the links so that you can easily find the items that I talk about on the site.

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